Spider Vein Treatment


Sclerotherapy is a common spider vein treatment for small and medium size (reticular) veins. A tiny needle is used to inject the veins with a solution (called a sclerosant) that irritates the lining of the vein. In response, the veins collapse and are reabsorbed into the body. The surface veins are no longer visible. Depending on the size and location of the veins, different types and strengths of sclerosants are used. With this procedure, veins can be treated at an early stage, helping to prevent further complications. You may need several sclerotherapy treatments. Generally, normal activities can be resumed after sclerotherapy.

A before and after photo of a person 's leg

Prior to spider vein treatment, a complete medical history is taken and a thorough examination made in order to determine, among other things, how long the problem has existed, are there any ongoing causative factors, and if there are any associated symptoms. Normally, an ultrasound study is not indicated, unless the spider veins are found in conjunction with larger varicose veins. If your spider veins are found in conjunction with varicose veins, and if the valves in your greater saphenous vein are broken, an Endovenous Laser Ablation may be recommended to treat the varicose veins before Sclerotherapy is undertaken.

Pre-procedure instructions may include the elimination of certain medications which are know to aggravate spider veins, and the elimination or minimization of any medications know to cause excessive bruising or bleeding. After the skin is thoroughly cleansed with alcohol, a small amount of sclerosing solution is injected directly into the spider vein using a syringe with a very tiny needle. The vein immediately disappears, then returns in about 10-15 seconds and is actually MORE prominent than it was before treatment started. The irritated vein then fades away over a few weeks.

The procedure, performed in our office, usually causes only minimal discomfort. Bruising and pigmentation may occur after sclerotherapy. Bruising typically disappears within 1-2 weeks. Although pigmentation almost always fades, it can last for several months.

After your treatment, we may put a small band-aid over the injection site to protect your clothing. You then can walk out of the office and immediately resume your normal daily activities

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